Resultados: 3

Gravedad de accidentes cerebrovasculares para determinar síntomas osteomusculares en cuidadores familiares

Objetivo: el objetivo de este estudio es examinar la relación entre los problemas osteomusculares sufridos por cuidadores familiares que tienen a su cargo velar por pacientes que han sufrido un accidente cerebrovascular y los niveles de salud física y discapacidad. Método: los sujetos incluidos en el...

Cohort study of institutionalized elderly people: fall risk factors from the nursing diagnosis

Objective: to determine the incidence of falls in elderly residents of long-stay institutions of the Federal District, to identify the aspects involved in the falls, in terms of risk factors, from the application of scales and the Taxonomy II of NANDA-I, and to define the level of accuracy with its sensi...

Construction and validation of indicators and respective definitions for the nursing outcome Swallowing Status


to develop indicators for the nursing outcome Swallowing Status and the respective conceptual and operational definitions validated by experts and in a clinical setting among patients after having experienced a stroke.

